Monday, February 10, 2020

Collective Intelligence

The concept of collective intelligence — the capability of a group of people to solve complex problems — is not new. But the increasing interconnectedness of knowledge work and the growing variety of problems have raised the profile of collective intelligence as a competitive differentiator. So, companies need to understand the concept more systematically and scientifically.

One key to unlocking the potential of collective intelligence is mindfulness. If implemented effectively, even relatively modest investments can generate outsize returns in team performance. Companies today must manage rapid innovation cycles and the deep interconnectedness of knowledge work. To address the challenges, many companies are investing in setting up crossfunctional, agile teams. But to transition to truly dynamic ways of working, a company must fundamentally transform how cross-functional teams interact and collaborate.

We define collective intelligence as a group’s ability to perform the wide variety of tasks required to solve complex problems… It is largely driven by team members’ unconscious processing: their emotional intelligence. Our experience across a large number of transformations to new ways of working and agile methods also points to emotional and noncognitive factors as the key drivers of collective intelligence.

Source | Mindfulness Can Unlock Your Company’s Collective Intelligence


Mr. Pralhad Jadhav 
Master of Library & Information Science (NET Qualified) 
Senior Manager @ Knowledge Repository  
Khaitan & Co 
Twitter Handle | @Pralhad161978

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