Friday, August 3, 2018

Silent Negotiation @ Better Salary

Silent Negotiation @ Better Salary

The best tactic to get more money from a negotiation might be too painfully awkward for most people to try

Psychologists often talk about the benefits of embracing discomfort. The idea is that, by leaning into feelings like anxiety and anger instead of resisting them, you’ll take away their power to consume you whole.

This idea is appealing but difficult to put into practice. But American science writer Melissa Dahl describes a practical strategy for acknowledging your discomfort and giving it a big ol’ hug in her book Cringeworthy.

Keep mum for more money

Dahl writes specifically about embracing the inherent awkwardness during a salary negotiation. She quotes Katie Donovan, founder of the consultancy firm Equal Pay Negotiations, saying that the first step in a negotiation “is to be silent, hush up, or shut up”.

Donovan says that if you’re offered a starting salary lower than what you know is the median salary for this position, you can say something like: “Thank you for the offer. I’m a little surprised about the salary, though. Based on my research I would have expected it to be in the [X] range.”

Even if the hiring manager raises his eyebrows or gasps in horror, don’t backpedal, and don’t run your mouth out of nervousness. As Dahl writes, the hiring manager “might not be able to reach the number you’re asking for, but let them tell you that; don’t undercut yourself by saying that for them”.

Helps in other negotiations too

Alison Green, the woman behind the popular ‘Ask a Manager’ advice column, has said something similar. On one podcast episode, she tells a confused caller to ask, “Any chance you can go up to X?” and then stop talking.

Green said: “Wait for an answer. It might take them a minute, there might be a pause there. Say the words and then wait.”

Joanna Coles, the chief content officer at Hearst Magazines, has also said that her best strategy at winning a negotiation is silence. “Silence is often your best friend because you don’t want to give too much away,” Coles revealed. “I’m always amazed when I’m negotiating with people from the other side of the desk, how people will rattle on and not stop talking. People talk a lot when they’re nervous.” 

Source | Economic Times | 3rd August 2018


Mr. Pralhad Jadhav  

Senior Manager @ Knowledge Repository  
Khaitan & Co 
Twitter Handle | @Pralhad161978
Mobile @ 9665911593

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