Monday, March 5, 2018

Work Stress @ How to battle - 5 quick, effective, and realistic ways to manage stress

Work Stress @ How to battle - 5 quick, effective, and realistic ways to manage stress

Work stress is inevitable. We can either fall prey to the stress and damage our health (both physically and mentally) or learn to tackle it. Here are 5 quick, effective, and realistic ways to manage stress.

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Work stress is inevitable.

We can either fall prey to the stress and damage our health (both physically and mentally) or learn to tackle it. Here are 5 quick, effective and realistic ways to manage stress.
No, it doesn´t need you to join a yoga class.

Breathe the right way

Most of us breathe shallow and that prevents us from inhaling oxygen to our maximum capacity.
Belly breathing has the capacity to shift our nervous system from sympathetic (flight and flight) to parasympathetic mode (rest and digest) almost immediately.

While it takes time to master this way of breathing, one can certainly schedule reminders to 
consciously breathe through the belly for at least two minutes anytime during the day.

Sleep better

Sleep time is the repair mode of our body.

All the stress and strain we undergo during the day, our body uses the sleep mode to repair and recover from it. Lack of quality sleep can not only halt our detoxification and recovery process but can also make the next day an irritable one. Make sleepapriority even if your social calendars demand you to spend your evenings out. You must set your priorities right.

Try and avoid bringing work home and use evenings to relax.

Including some “me” time every will help.

Find your linchpin

A linchpin is a pin that passes through the end of an axle on a wheel to keep the wheel in position and in balance.

If the linchpin is removed, the wheel goes out of balance.

Every one of us has a linchpin that keeps us going.

You need to understand what that linchpin for you is and make sure you are using it every day, such as playing with your kids, reading a book, gardening, dancing, playing a musical instrument or a sport.

Doing it every day (even if that means for a few minutes) helps break the monotony of homework —home and boosts your energy to face the rest of the day.

Set intentions for the day

One of the biggest factor that can add up to the work stress is lack of management.

Soon after we wake up, we get thrown into the chaos of life and let it rule over us. Instead, waking up to a daily morning ritual of lemon water, practising positive affirmations followed by setting intentions/ to do list is a much sorted way to begin mornings.

Include your linchpin in that list and also your meal breaks (because you do not want to be mindlessly eating while working).

Once we set the intentions for the day, there’s better chance of increased productivity and accomplishing those tasks well before the deadline.

´Accept´ and ´let go´

Two simple words, but powerful and difficult to master, can change your work and personal life.
We often come across situations and people at work that can stirrup our emotions and induce stress.

Yoga teaches us

Shakshi Bhaav, which means quietly observing unpleasant situations like a third person.

Acceptance and letting go is exactly that.

Source | Business Standard | 5th March 2018


Prof. Pralhad Jadhav 

Master of Library & Information Science (NET Qualified) 
Senior Manager @ Knowledge Repository  
Khaitan & Co 

Twitter Handle | @Pralhad161978

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