Wednesday, June 26, 2019

IITs among Asia Pacific’s most innovative universities: Report

IITs among Asia Pacific’s most innovative universities: Report

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have once again made it to Reuters’ list of the most innovative universities in Asia Pacific. However, this year they have slipped four places to finish last in the list of 75 institutions dominated by China and topped by South Korea.

While 25 of the 75 universities are in China, South Korea’s Seoul National University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and Pohang University of Science and Technology hold the top 3 positions, respectively. Overall, South Korea and Japan have 19 universities each in the list.
The IITs are the only Indian institution that makes the cut, but as last year’s report noted, this is because the 23 institutes have a centralised patent administration.

“IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay may have ranked much higher on the list if they weren’t grouped in with smaller and newer institutes like IIT Tirupati and IIT Palakkad.” REUTERS

Source | Times of India | 26th June 2019

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