Monday, July 22, 2019

A foot soldier to the cause of reading - Umadevi Antharjanam delivers library books to readers’ doorsteps on foot

Umadevi Antharjanam delivers library books to readers’ doorsteps on foot

She is fond of books, enjoys long walks, and wants to inculcate the habit of reading among the younger generation. 

At a time many wish to see through their retirement in relative comfort, Umadevi Antharjanam, 73, hailing from Budhanoor, near Chengannur, is finding delight in delivering books from the village library to the readers at their doorstep that too on foot.

A ‘field librarian’ with the Kalaposhini Library, Budhanoor, for the last 13 years, Umadevi delivers books, including short stories, novels, children’s fiction, magazines and so on, to around 200 members, mostly children and women.

She says age-related ailments are taking a toll on her but she wanted to encourage reading among the villagers.

“Reading can make a person a better human being. By regularly distributing books to children at their homes, they will be able to read more books ,” Umadevi says.

As the majority of the members she serve are students, the avid book lover uses Saturdays and Sundays to reach out to them.

On these days, she fills her bag with books and walks hard from morning till evening knocking on doors. She is also a solace to senior citizens and mobility impaired.

According to Umadevi, working as a field librarian has helped her overcome difficulties following the death of her husband more than a decade ago.

“I was a tuition teacher once. After the death of my husband, I struggled to make ends meet. When the job was offered by the Budhanoor panchayat president, I accepted it wholeheartedly,” she says.
Gopi Budhanoor, president of the library, said Umdevi’s love for books had kept her running. “She loves books and want others to cultivate the habit of reading. Even at 73, she is sincere in her work,” he added.


Recently, she was honoured by various organisations in the region for her efforts in promoting reading.

The library lost a large number of books and records in last year’s floods and is engaged in a rebuilding process.

Source | The Hindu| 20th July 2019

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