Monday, May 21, 2018

Invaluable Contribution to our Reading Culture @ Second-Hand Superheroes

Invaluable Contribution to our Reading Culture @ Second-Hand Superheroes

Bombay's second-hand booksellers along its pavements and sidewalks are silent saviours who feed its bibliophiles with their rare collections and curious finds. It’s important that we recognise their invaluable contribution to our reading culture


We were sufficiently chuffed after having spent some quality time with the affable, gentle Periyappa, the resident wise old doggie in the Kings Circle neighbourhood and had retreated towards our other favourite pastime along its pavements — secondhand book-shopping.

The area holds a special space for yours truly — a Ruiaite. As a collegian, it offered an inviting mix of south Indian fare, from enterprising roadside kiosks to cafés that ran on autopilot; mind you, each of them ensured that no matter what budget you were staring at; you never went hungry when the urge cropped up just before that boring afternoon lecture. And then, there were those saviours from the pre-mega bookstore era — the secondhand pavement bookwallahs. From a mindboggling range of titles to the delightful haggling [we learnt our first lessons in bargaining here]; these booksellers were responsible for some pretty good deals that landed up in our bookshelf at home.

Interestingly, when we sat down yesterday to plan out this column, the Google doodle also helped a bit; it jogged our memory to an important nugget from back then. The doodle was to celebrate the birth of the world's first atlas created by Flemish cartographer Abraham Ortelius. Some of our first intriguing journeys into the world of maps was courtesy these secondhand booksellers whose drop-dead pricing made it tough to resist the map-crazy collegian in a time where finding an atlas of hand drawn maps from the late 1800s was worth its weight in gold.

Fast forward to the present. We met with architect, photographer, archivist and collector Robert D Stephens a week before his ongoing exhibition at a swish SoBo gallery. Robert, an American who swears by his local train commute, is as 'Bombay' as it gets. And his love affair extends to his endless search for books about the city from every decade and century. Many of his finds are now part of the exhibition, themed on guidebooks that were written for tourists and city folk. As we ogled at the 'loot' that he displayed for sneak peek, the glee in his eyes [and understandably so] was akin to a pirate who had brought his treasures to the safety of dry land.

"My go-to guys are the booksellers along Fort's pavements," he shared with us, adding how over the years, this faithful bunch has ensured that buying books remains a sub-culture and part of the landscape in and around this buzzing commercial district. While their numbers have dwindled, and business continues to get affected [thanks to the ongoing project to 'upgrade' the city], loyalists still throng these parts. Just like the vendors of Kings Circle, they too know that time, and many other factors might not be on their side, and with the sweeping hold of the internet, they could be staring at the dark end of the tunnel.

Yet, the optimist in us finds it reassuring when we learn how almost an entire exhibition could have been sourced not from a brick-and-mortar institution or buys off e-stores but from the neighbourhood bookseller.  So, in case you haven't till now, make a trip to check out one of these silent superheroes, find our favourite read, engage in some friendly bargaining, Bombay-style, and take home that rare find. It will be well worth it, take our word.

Source | Mid-Day | 21st May 2018


Mr. Pralhad Jadhav 
Master of Library & Information Science (NET Qualified) 
Senior Manager @ Knowledge Repository  
Khaitan & Co 
Twitter Handle | @Pralhad161978
Mobile @ 9665911593

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