Tuesday, October 3, 2017

You will achieve your goals if you're having fun

You will achieve your goals if you're having fun

People usually give up an activity if they believe it will need hard work and is likely to make them miserable

No pain, no gain. It's a thing people say when you are trying to get in shape, and you are at the gym crying, because your arms are burning and shaking and you've got one more push-up left.
The aphorism is true, in the sense that a leisurely stroll around the block won't do much for your biceps. The problem is that the inverse -fun and comfort mean your mind and body are slowly deteriorating -is not.

This myth is one of several that bestselling author Jon Acuff dismantles in his book Finish, an insightful guide to tackling the perfectionist impulses that keep us from hitting our goals.
Acuff writes: “Perfectionism believes that the harder something is, the more miserable something is, the better.“ Meaning things only `count' -say, as healthful or educational -if you're having a terrible time. And they definitely do not count if you're enjoying yourself.

This is wrong, Acuff says. Not solely because fun stuff counts for something, too, but because we're more likely to achieve our goals when we're having fun.

Finish was partly inspired by a study, led by University of Memphis PhD student Mike Peasley, of 900 
participants in Acuff's online goal-reaching video course, `30 Days of Hustle'. Based on Peasley's observations, Acuff writes that choosing a goal you believe will be enjoyable increases your likelihood of satisfaction by about 31 per cent.What's more surprising is that you'll also perform 
about 46 per cent better.

Ac u f f a l s o cit e s a paper led by Daniel Chambliss at Hamilton College, which asserts that elite swimmers don't find their rigorous practice sessions and tough competitions excruciating. Instead, they rather enjoy them.

In other words, pick an activity you enjoy that will help you get stronger, or smarter, or more successful. 

Source | Economic Times | 4th October 2017

Pralhad Jadhav  

Senior Manager @ Knowledge Repository  
Khaitan & Co 

Twitter Handle | @Pralhad161978

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